Thursday, January 26, 2012

Listerine Total Care ZERO.

The time has come to christen my new blog for all of the Sample Shares and Hosted Parties I get to do via Crowdtap and Smiley360.

First up? Courtesy of Crowdtap and Johnson&Johnson:

Listerine Total Care Zero Mouthwash.


I have tried so many mouthwashes over the years.

-Scope doesn't do anything, I mean, you can practically drink the stuff as a minty sweet beverage. Shoot, add a little vodka, et voila, Toothpaste Martini.

-Listerine usually goes too far the other direction. I am not one of those masochists who LOVES TO FEEL THE BUUUUURN! YEAH! Additionally Listerine has so many incarnations I quite literally cannot keep track, and despite the burn I can honestly say I have tried nearly every single one of them. The most offensive of them being the orange one. Kakapooey. Talk about nasty. At any rate, most Listerine is just TOO strong for me. My gums can't handle it.

-Enter Swish! These come in not only am extremely appealing bottle, but yummy, interesting flavors as well, plus they're alcohol free. These are great! But a bit on the pricey end. My sister has a hard time tolerating strong minty mouthwashes, because they literally take her breath away, has to use this mouthwash, so I buy it for her...

-And my standard was (<-note the past tense) Crest Pro-Health line of mouthwashes. My favorite being the nighttime formula. I've been loyal to it for years now. I like that it's CLEAR so it doesn't dye my mouth, and the added zinc, I do believe it is, makes it so that it has a nice staying power in terms of fresh-breath-ness. :)

-And then...there was LISTERINE TOTAL CARE ZERO. In all of it's pale purple, alcohol free, long lasting, light minty flavor glory.

Sure, it still has that tell-tale Listerine flavor to it..whatever it is about Listerine that makes them all taste that way, but I don't mind that so much. But it doesn't burn your mouth off, and it leaves your mouth feeling oh-so-clean for oh-so-very-long.

I loved it so much I went out and bought myself a big bottle.

I rate this Five Parapluies! (I just love the word..but more on that later!)

(My mom and sister didn't care for it too much, Mom because she doesn't like that Listeriney flavor and sister because of the flavor as well as she felt it made her mouth feel slightly numb..hmm..)
