Click here for a free sample of Woolite Extra Dark Care!
Though both very active members of Crowdtap, it is very, very rare that the two of us are chosen for the same Sample and Share or Hosted Party opportunities- So imagine our total and utter SURPRISE! when in the beginning of June it came to our attention that we were both selected to host a Woolite Extra Dark Care Hosted Party!!
We should say, our surprise and slight PANIC.
TWENTY SAMPLES to deliver?!
*Frantic hand motions here*
We should note right now that we are writing this together, Stephanie doing the typing because she's much faster ;) hehe, but both contributing nonetheless.
During the couple of weeks leading up to our event to get people excited and familiarized with the Woolite brand, we promoted the "Long Live Your Jeans" Woolite Sweepstakes and encouraged all of our friends, family and neighbours to like Woolite on Facebook and enter the sweepstakes. Fair made a Polyvore to promote Woolite Extra Dark Care and Original Woolite on Pinterest and various other social media sites.
It didn't take long before we decided to perhaps bend the rules a little...though we're not sure there ARE any, per se...and host ONE GRAND FETE together. We got right to the planning and before we knew it our America's Next Top Woolite Fashionista party was well underway.
On the Food/Drink Menu:
Grilled chickens sandwiches, gluten free pizza, gluten free chocolate cake w/raspberry filling and Italian buttercream, general snack fare like chips/M&M's/Cheeto's Etc., Sun Seared Strawberry Paradise Granita's, soda, lemonade, juice and iced tea.Recipes for GF cake, pizza and granita will be posted on My Fair Cooookie's (^-^) blog shortly!
On the Activities Menu:
* A fashion and Woolite inspired Quibblo Quiz Fair spent many an hour creating! - Please see below for my results, and you can link right to the quiz as well! It's fun and accurate! Take it and FB/Tweet your results! :) - The two most popular results amongst our party guests were Suburban Casual and Forever Trendy. (This quiz is still a work in progress though, Fair wants to make the quiz even more inclusive! So if you like it, check back in just a couple of weeks and see if your style is the same or maybe a little different, possibly even more accurate!)
* Trivia, sent to us courtesy of Woolite and Crowdtap! - Aside from the quiz this was the most enjoyed activity at the party, and came down to a Sudden Death Draw where they picked Woolite W's from a cup- The one selecting the Black W winning Swag Bag #1. Yay Brandey! You can tell by her smile that she was THRILLED! The swag bags (which were a blast to compile) included a 50 oz bottle of Woolite Extra Dark Care, a pair of mid-range designer sunglasses, a summery scarf, a gift card for $5 off their next Extra Dark Fashion Purchase, an ELF Summer Smokey Eye Kit, and the July copy of ELLE magazine all piled into the branded Woolite dark denim tote bags!
* Laundry Tips Challenge! - Each guest was given turns with a Woolite white board and asked to write down their very best and most unique laundry tip! The winner of this won contest Swag Bag #2. Yay Peg! Whoooo just so happens to be Brandey's grandma! Which amused everyone. Her winning tip?
* Old/New Clothing Show and Tell - Each guest was asked to bring an old and tattered item of clothing and to wear one of their favorite, most well cared for DARK items of clothing. This was originally for a different activity (more below), however, as they were unwilling to participate we adapted this into a sort of Show and Tell piece. Brandey's husband's Harley shirt was impressively worn out! Hard to believe it was ever solid black! Same goes for Amy's painting shirt, which also used to be black, that she somehow got BBQ sauce on the back! During the discussion we talked about Woolite Extra Dark Care. On how it promises to keep your darks dark as well as in good condition for a much longer period of time than regular detergents. We also related the fact that Woolite is the only detergent our family uses unless bleach is necessary. (ie: dish towels, greasy garage and yard work clothing, etc. And while Woolite might cost more than other detergents, you save money in the end by not having to replace harsh detergent damaged items of clothing so frequently.
Kandis echos our sentiments to thrifter Julie, "Hon, it's much more gentle on your clothes. You don't need harsh detergent for clean clothes. Woolite fits the bill and makes clothes last longer. You save in the end.'
Janice (Julie's mom), "You really should. I've used Woolite since you were little. It really does work well to preserve your clothes!"
Julie, "I guess I will give it a try. A special treatment for my nicer clothes."
Amy, "I am excited to try Dark Woolite on mine and my husband Comic-Con Costumes because I think it will preserve their colour a lot better and be cheaper than dry cleaning."
Rikki explains why she's happy to try Woolite Extra Dark to Shanna who said "Not washing you jeans for six months! Seriously?"
Rikki, "Well, I don't know- I just got theses capris and I have only washed them a couple of times and they are already lighter."
And then there were the things that we wanted to do. We had a huge table of accessories compiled for what we had hoped would be THE MAIN EVENT.
The whole reason the party was dubbed AMERICA'S NEXT TOP WOOLITE FASHIONISTA.
Our Vision:
As we mentioned above, each guest was asked to bring an old (tattered) and new item of dark clothing.
The idea was to have a silly photoshoot of each guest in their old and tattered garb- Walking down a makeshift runway in our foyer- The other guests, our Woolite Judging Panel, each taking a Woolite White Board and giving them a score for how tattered and scarred their item is.
Next up they would've taken to the array of accessories we had laid out on our pool table, and styled their dark fashion looks to the hilt, then taken to the runway once again for another photoshoot! Again our Woolite Judging Panel, scoring their stylized looks! The averaged-highest scoring contestant was going to be 'crowned' our America's Next Top Woolite Fashionista!
However, 75% of them (11 of the 14 guests who attended) refuuuused to do anything and they only wanted their kids (of which there were three) to partake in the clothing portion of the evening. It was like they were too cool for school. You cannot imagine how disappointed we were. We thought it would be a whole lot of fun, and different, and just...overall hilarious! Amusing and enjoyable :)
SO. Post-party, we felt the need to get creative once more and turned to our friends in other locations- Sending off Woolite Care Packages to good friends in Ohio and Alberta, they have promised to be honorary Wooliteers and host a mini-version of what we originally had in mind and report back to us. The left over samples we've mailed out to friends all over the US and Canada as well. We thought this would be a great, because it spreads the Woolite brand even farther than to our immediate circle here, and, in general, keeps the Woolite Extra Dark Care buzz going! So please stay tuned to La Belle Parapluie and Quixotic Paperdoll (Also quite possibly BlondeAmbition!) for more Wooliteer Fashionista Updates and Fun!
Honorary Wooliteers Catherine, Steph K. & Adrianne giving us a sneak peek at their Woolite Black = Ladies' Night Out! Fashion Shoot.
And then, upon further inspection of the Party Booklet before we sat down to write our blog... we noted that we somehow missed that they kinda wanted a Jean-gle! And were reminded that there were prizes for an all around spectacular party! Hahahaha....o.m.g. We have no idea how we missed this. WELL. Let me, Stephanie, tell you. WE ARE IN THIS TO WIN. CAUSE WE SAT UP FOR HOURS CREATING A JEAN-GLE to the tune of that, oh-so-ridiculously catchy and popular, "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen. Nobody judge my singing, or that you can barely hear Fair because I sing so loud. haha. Hopefully the lyrics will win everyone over!
Woolite I Just Met You!
Steph's Quiz Results!
Here are my results from the quiz created as one of the activities for our Double-Hosted, Woolite and Crowdtap sponsored party!
Though both very active members of Crowdtap, it is very, very rare that the two of us are chosen for the same Sample and Share or Hosted Party opportunities- So imagine our total and utter SURPRISE! when in the beginning of June it came to our attention that we were both selected to host a Woolite Extra Dark Care Hosted Party!!
We should say, our surprise and slight PANIC.
TWENTY SAMPLES to deliver?!
*Frantic hand motions here*
We should note right now that we are writing this together, Stephanie doing the typing because she's much faster ;) hehe, but both contributing nonetheless.
During the couple of weeks leading up to our event to get people excited and familiarized with the Woolite brand, we promoted the "Long Live Your Jeans" Woolite Sweepstakes and encouraged all of our friends, family and neighbours to like Woolite on Facebook and enter the sweepstakes. Fair made a Polyvore to promote Woolite Extra Dark Care and Original Woolite on Pinterest and various other social media sites.
It didn't take long before we decided to perhaps bend the rules a little...though we're not sure there ARE any, per se...and host ONE GRAND FETE together. We got right to the planning and before we knew it our America's Next Top Woolite Fashionista party was well underway.
On the Food/Drink Menu:
Grilled chickens sandwiches, gluten free pizza, gluten free chocolate cake w/raspberry filling and Italian buttercream, general snack fare like chips/M&M's/Cheeto's Etc., Sun Seared Strawberry Paradise Granita's, soda, lemonade, juice and iced tea.Recipes for GF cake, pizza and granita will be posted on My Fair Cooookie's (^-^) blog shortly!
On the Activities Menu:
* A fashion and Woolite inspired Quibblo Quiz Fair spent many an hour creating! - Please see below for my results, and you can link right to the quiz as well! It's fun and accurate! Take it and FB/Tweet your results! :) - The two most popular results amongst our party guests were Suburban Casual and Forever Trendy. (This quiz is still a work in progress though, Fair wants to make the quiz even more inclusive! So if you like it, check back in just a couple of weeks and see if your style is the same or maybe a little different, possibly even more accurate!)
* Trivia, sent to us courtesy of Woolite and Crowdtap! - Aside from the quiz this was the most enjoyed activity at the party, and came down to a Sudden Death Draw where they picked Woolite W's from a cup- The one selecting the Black W winning Swag Bag #1. Yay Brandey! You can tell by her smile that she was THRILLED! The swag bags (which were a blast to compile) included a 50 oz bottle of Woolite Extra Dark Care, a pair of mid-range designer sunglasses, a summery scarf, a gift card for $5 off their next Extra Dark Fashion Purchase, an ELF Summer Smokey Eye Kit, and the July copy of ELLE magazine all piled into the branded Woolite dark denim tote bags!

Brandie an extreme couponer says, "Oh my GOSH! So excited to try this on my work clothes and my husbands work pants! And a coupon- AWESOME!

* Old/New Clothing Show and Tell - Each guest was asked to bring an old and tattered item of clothing and to wear one of their favorite, most well cared for DARK items of clothing. This was originally for a different activity (more below), however, as they were unwilling to participate we adapted this into a sort of Show and Tell piece. Brandey's husband's Harley shirt was impressively worn out! Hard to believe it was ever solid black! Same goes for Amy's painting shirt, which also used to be black, that she somehow got BBQ sauce on the back! During the discussion we talked about Woolite Extra Dark Care. On how it promises to keep your darks dark as well as in good condition for a much longer period of time than regular detergents. We also related the fact that Woolite is the only detergent our family uses unless bleach is necessary. (ie: dish towels, greasy garage and yard work clothing, etc. And while Woolite might cost more than other detergents, you save money in the end by not having to replace harsh detergent damaged items of clothing so frequently.
Kandis echos our sentiments to thrifter Julie, "Hon, it's much more gentle on your clothes. You don't need harsh detergent for clean clothes. Woolite fits the bill and makes clothes last longer. You save in the end.'
Janice (Julie's mom), "You really should. I've used Woolite since you were little. It really does work well to preserve your clothes!"
Julie, "I guess I will give it a try. A special treatment for my nicer clothes."

Rikki, "Well, I don't know- I just got theses capris and I have only washed them a couple of times and they are already lighter."
And then there were the things that we wanted to do. We had a huge table of accessories compiled for what we had hoped would be THE MAIN EVENT.
The whole reason the party was dubbed AMERICA'S NEXT TOP WOOLITE FASHIONISTA.
Our Vision:
As we mentioned above, each guest was asked to bring an old (tattered) and new item of dark clothing.
The idea was to have a silly photoshoot of each guest in their old and tattered garb- Walking down a makeshift runway in our foyer- The other guests, our Woolite Judging Panel, each taking a Woolite White Board and giving them a score for how tattered and scarred their item is.
Next up they would've taken to the array of accessories we had laid out on our pool table, and styled their dark fashion looks to the hilt, then taken to the runway once again for another photoshoot! Again our Woolite Judging Panel, scoring their stylized looks! The averaged-highest scoring contestant was going to be 'crowned' our America's Next Top Woolite Fashionista!
However, 75% of them (11 of the 14 guests who attended) refuuuused to do anything and they only wanted their kids (of which there were three) to partake in the clothing portion of the evening. It was like they were too cool for school. You cannot imagine how disappointed we were. We thought it would be a whole lot of fun, and different, and just...overall hilarious! Amusing and enjoyable :)

SO. Post-party, we felt the need to get creative once more and turned to our friends in other locations- Sending off Woolite Care Packages to good friends in Ohio and Alberta, they have promised to be honorary Wooliteers and host a mini-version of what we originally had in mind and report back to us. The left over samples we've mailed out to friends all over the US and Canada as well. We thought this would be a great, because it spreads the Woolite brand even farther than to our immediate circle here, and, in general, keeps the Woolite Extra Dark Care buzz going! So please stay tuned to La Belle Parapluie and Quixotic Paperdoll (Also quite possibly BlondeAmbition!) for more Wooliteer Fashionista Updates and Fun!

Honorary Wooliteers Catherine, Steph K. & Adrianne giving us a sneak peek at their Woolite Black = Ladies' Night Out! Fashion Shoot.

And then, upon further inspection of the Party Booklet before we sat down to write our blog... we noted that we somehow missed that they kinda wanted a Jean-gle! And were reminded that there were prizes for an all around spectacular party! Hahahaha....o.m.g. We have no idea how we missed this. WELL. Let me, Stephanie, tell you. WE ARE IN THIS TO WIN. CAUSE WE SAT UP FOR HOURS CREATING A JEAN-GLE to the tune of that, oh-so-ridiculously catchy and popular, "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen. Nobody judge my singing, or that you can barely hear Fair because I sing so loud. haha. Hopefully the lyrics will win everyone over!
Woolite I Just Met You!
Steph's Quiz Results!
Here are my results from the quiz created as one of the activities for our Double-Hosted, Woolite and Crowdtap sponsored party!
What's Your Fierce Fashion Personality? Brought to you By Wooliteer's Steph & Fair! |
Hampton Preppy Your clothes are so perfectly pressed they could nearly stand up on their own! Every outfit you wear is matched perfectly. Your hair is always shiny & coiffed. Your style is HIGHLY Americanized & somehow simultaneously fits in perfectly at the beach, country/golf club or casual business meetings. Acid pastels were not something new to you this summer season as their hues have dominated your closet for years. Kate Spade & Marc Jacobs are your go to designers. Items that might be in your wardrobe: White, cobalt & acid pastels Argyle Tods Stripes Ankle socks Polo T-shirts Bermuda shorts Straight jeans Tennis skirts Diamond bracelet/earrings Divers watches Skinny belts Advice: Loosen up! Ruffle a hand through your hair. Deconstruct your look every once & awhile. Not everything must match to the 'nth degree at all times. Explore the addition of boldly unusual hues & softer lines to your cotton candy starched world. Test your boundaries. Try fashion styles beyond US shores. |
Facebook quizzes, quiz apps & blog quizzes by ![]() |
We'd like to thank you Woolite and Crowdtap for the opportunity to host such a unique event!

For your whites and lighter colors check out Woolite COMPLETE!